The Basics
Hey! You have just clicked your way into the academic cyber world of me, Molly Catherine Daley. I am currently an undergraduate student at Pennsylvania State University and could not be more in love with the college I attend. The transition from high school to college expanded my maturity level and has finally allowed me to "find" myself.Due to my growth as an individual, my choice of major, like many other undergraduate students has flip flopped multiple times. However, I have finally got it right and because of the insights of my first semester classes at Penn State, I have chosen to be an Advertising major focussing in public relations.
I have taken many basic classes such as Earth Science, Freshman Seminars, and Introduction to Sociology. I enjoy the social and private interactions people in society have created, and mixing this with the impact that advertising and rhetorical expression has has influenced me to make these studies my main focus in my academic and professional career.
I am not only a student, but I also work as waitress at a restaurant in downtown State College. The long hours and 50 cent tips can be discouraging at times, but reminding myself of all the school work I can accomplish along with being a finanacially independent young lady is more than rewarding.
Why an E-Portfolio?
This E-Portfoio allows the audience to obtain a view of the academic work I have created currently and as my collegiate career progesses. The side tabs to the right categorize each diverse rhetorical expression I have made from speeches to essays.What I Want to Be When I Grow Up
As an Advertisement major, I hope to eventually be working behind the scenes creating the commercials and billboards you observe today. I do not wish to be in the artistic aspect of advertising but more as a representative of corporate companies. I am just building my future, oneMolly Daley's E-Portfolio